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Sh*t That Makes Me Blue

and other resonant feelings, and maybe what I do about them. Not a soapbox, but a porch stoop.


  • Butler, J., 2024. "Summer freedom schools provide an increasingly rare opportunity for engaged learning." Prism.

    Butler, J., 2024. "This Pride, Embody the True Spirit of Queer Liberation." PS.

    Butler, J., 2024. “Gabrielle Inès Souza Is Turning Mutual Aid Into Essential Care For the Black Trans Community.” PS.

  • Butler, J., 2023. “Stained Glass.” Torch Literary Arts

    Butler, J., 2023. “Parenting Trans Kids: Love Is The First Step.” Translash Media.

    Butler, J., 2023. “The Imperative of Political Education in a Miseducated Society.” Hood Communist.

    Butler, J., 2023. “Report back: 60+ Years of Inhumane U.S. Blockade on Cuba.” CODEPINK Pink Tank

  • Butler, J., 2022. “Optical Illusion / Puddles”/ Ebony Tomatoes Collective.

    Butler, J., 2022 “Choosing revolutionary optimism in the face of doom.” Powershift Network Blog.

    Butler, J., 2022 “The Climate Justice Movement Must Be Anti-War: Notes from Antiwar Organizers.” Powershift Network Blog.

  • Butler, J. 2021.“Mississippi Memory: Blues, Black Geographies, and the 1927 Mississippi River Floods.” Senior Honors Thesis, Department of Geography, Dartmouth College. High Honors.

  • Butler, J., Modelfino, S., Resor, C., 2020. “Turning the tide toward equity: making federal flood programs work for low-income people.” American Flood Coalition Blog.

    Butler, J. Cryan, A. 2020. “Local resilience on the rise: lessons from CROs in Florida.” American Flood Coalition Blog.
