Upcoming events.

Stoking the flames of Pan-Africanism: Black August Film Screening and Forum

Stoking the flames of Pan-Africanism: Black August Film Screening and Forum

Join us on Friday, August 25 for a screening of “In the Sky’s Wild Noise” and a forum on Pan Africanism and West Africa today with @blackallianceforpeace from 4:30-6 pm at @oakcliffculturalcenter!

A Q&A discussion will be held afterwards. Light refreshments will be served! This event is free and open to everyone. ❤️🖤💚

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IPA May Day Brigade to Cuba
to May 3

IPA May Day Brigade to Cuba

Over 150 Young Leaders From The U.S. Will Travel To Cuba In Solidarity. I’ll be joining this brigade on behalf of CodePink and Powershift Network. I’m incredibly excited to learn from the Cuban people about keeping revolution alive, their advances in education and agriculture, and what we can do as those living in the belly of the beast to stop the Blockade.

Learn more about my trip here.

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Climate Justice + internationalism

Climate Justice + internationalism

In this conversation, I'll talk with organizers who focus on internationalism and learn about the importance of international solidarity within and beyond the U.S. Climate Movement. Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_otmzSRu3SkGluOcL1cFPPQ

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Introduction to Mutual Aid and Community Defense: For communities beyond the non-profit industrial complex

Introduction to Mutual Aid and Community Defense: For communities beyond the non-profit industrial complex

Join me as I talk with 3 organizers about their experience doing community defense work in various settings. We’ll also offer a brief introduction to an interactive Community Defense Beginners Guide & Interactive Workbook that I built from a decade of trial and error and influence organizing on the ground in community. Watch the recording here: https://bit.ly/3Dg89KU

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